Nasiru Sa’adu Fakai
Co-Founder and Director of Programmes
Nasiru is a highly skilled and experienced professional with expertise in program management, M&E, research, knowledge management, capacity building, institutional Learning, and value-for-money analysis. He is an outside-the-box thinker and a team player who excels at managing programmes in M&E and learning activities in HIV, Malaria, Family Planning, and Human Resources for Health projects. Nasiru is a team player with experience in bringing different people to form highly effective and successful teams. Possesses excellent communication skills that have enabled him to effectively build and maintain positive relationships with the development communities, clients, hosts, donor officials, and other public and private agency representatives and collaborators. During his career, effectively built relationships, and part of the projects he works with are funded by USAID, DFID, Global Fund, and private donors where he worked to provide strategic technical support to program Management, Government agencies, and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).
Nasiru has master’s degrees in development studies and in information management. He is also an alumnus of the PEPFAR Professional Health Fellowship Program, the University of Washington’s Leadership and management in health course, and also a participant of the USAID/Measure Evaluation/MSH Leadership Development Program.