Lafiya in the Netherlands
Lafiya is registered in the Netherlands as Stichting Lafiya Nederland.
ANBI/RSIN (fiscal) number: 865927133
KvK number: 92195458
Bank account number: NL65TRIO0320794261 by name of Stichting Lafiya Nederland
Composition of the board
Dina Pape - chair
Corien Middelbeek - secretary
Dyane Marcelis - treasurer
Contact information
Stichting Lafiya Nederland
Bergstoep 20
2959 AA Streefkerk
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031 6 43902179 (Dina Pape, chair)
Summary of the policy plan for Lafiya in the Netherlands:
Lafiya Netherlands raises funds for Lafiya in Nigeria, so that they can continue their work. The goal for 2024 is to contribute at least 75,000 doses with funds from the Netherlands, and to assist with compensation for the nurses and midwives that work with Lafiya. We also aim to assist in working together with partners to advocate for contraceptive use in northern Nigeria.
Disseminate information about reached goals to donors at least 3x per year.
Contributing to transparent communication through updating the website.
Lafiya Netherlands raises funds by reaching out to potential individual donors and foundations, giving information in the media or in talks about the cause that Lafiya works for, and setting up fundraisers to support the work in Nigeria.
Renumeration policy
The board does not receive any financial remuneration for their work. The board is happy to contribute their time and energy to a worthy cause that is helping fellow women around the world exercise agency over their reproductive rights, and considers this to be a reward in itself.
Report of the activities
Stichting Lafiya Nederland was founded in December, 2023. The activities so far have focused on fundraising and setting up the structure of the organization.
Financial reports
Stichting Lafiya Nederland was founded in December, 2023.
The first financial report over 2023 can be found here.